Estate Planning
Wills and Trusts
Welcome to our estate planning service, where your family's future is our top priority. We understand that planning for lies ahead or dealing with a recent loss of a family member can feel overwhelming, but we're here to guide you every step of the way. Our compassionate team is dedicated to helping you protect your assets and ensure your loved ones are cared for. Together, we can create a plan that brings you peace of mind and secures your family's legacy.

Estate Administration and Litigation
When your loved one dies, you have enough on your mind without worrying about settling their estate. Our experienced estate administration attorneys can review your loved one’s will and other legal papers and help you explore your settlement options. We can assist your family in finding and collecting on any life insurance policies or retirement benefits you are entitled to, provide guidance in filing your loved one’s final tax return, and walk you through the probate process if required. Contact us today so we can help guide you through this difficult time.

Living trusts help you provide for your children’s or other heirs’ needs without having to go through the probate process. Probate is costly, and often can drag on for months – even years. If your heirs live far from you, it can be quite a hassle to complete all the paperwork involved. Living trusts can also help minimize your heirs’ tax burden, eliminating financial worries from the picture at a time when they need to focus on getting through the grieving process. To learn more, make an appointment with one of our experienced estate lawyers.

Wills and other Planning Documents
No matter how much money you have or how old you are, you need a will. First of all, a will doesn’t only deal with financial matters. It dictates which of your belongings go to what heirs. Secondly, your loved ones will likely be in a state of shock after your passing. Having a will in place gives them the security and stability they need during such a time. Giving your heirs that final gift will help them deal with all the legal matters they need to handle during such a stressful time. Planning your will with an experienced estate lawyer can help you settle these issues well before you pass away, providing you – and your loved ones – with perfect peace of mind so that you can relax and enjoy your life. Start planning your will with one of our experienced estate lawyers today.